Reply To: ThermIQ2-installation-for-Raspberry-PI installation issue

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Noticed the check_install script from Debian installation instructions pdf, see below if it helps to dig into this issue. I noted that folder /opt/etc/ is completely empty, I suppose there should be something there if installation would have worked out as planned.

ThermIQ2 installation checks
Your webserver can serve html
And supports the following java versions:

Javascripts seems to be enabled
and PHP is working!
phpversion() says: 7.4.33
The machine information is
Linux xxxxxxx 5.15.76-v7l+ #1597 SMP Fri Nov 4 12:14:58 GMT 2022 armv7l Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 \n \l

Trying to read common_settings in the following directorys

but is not able to read ThermIQ configuration files from:

Missing or faulty language file: /opt/etc/Thermiq_.ini
You can correct this in /opt/etc/Thermiq.ini
Checking installed webcontent in /var/www
hello_php.php => /var/www/install/hello_php.php
index.php => /var/www/install/index.php
common_settings => /usr/sbin/common_settings

Checking installed scripts in

common_settings => /usr/sbin/common_settings
mkdbtemplate => /usr/sbin/mkdbtemplate
poller => /usr/sbin/poller
update_client => /usr/sbin/update_client

Checking for required directories

Checking available database handlers (PDO)
Preferred is ‘sqlite’ which is PDO for sqlite3, others might work


Checking required utils
Checking for /opt/bin/stty
Checking for /opt/bin/php
[0] => lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Nov 17 12:51 /opt/bin/php -> /usr/bin/php
php_scriptpath not set correctly in /opt/etc/Thermiq_Linux.ini. Should be:
php_scriptpath = /usr/sbin/

Fix it here

Checking selected COM port, , for answer from ThermIQ
Unable to open port

Check database connections
Unable to open User db
Unable to open Main db
Unable to open User db

That’s all folks. Check the log above for any messages. When all is OK then
continue here to do initial configuration.