Problems seeing raw/hourly/daily/ data

Shop Forums ThermIQ och Windows Problems seeing raw/hourly/daily/ data

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  • #5527


    I’m having problems seeing raw/hourly/daily/ data within the ThermIQ Web. The installation and setting up the port went smoothly. Reading the “Får inte fram nån data ?” post, I’m able to retrieve the VP.log file and is listed, but I still don’t understand how one obtains raw/daily etc. data within the web page.

    My setup is… I have my PC is always connected to the VP, which I assume means that I don’t need to load/import the VP.log file as the poller is populating the databases automatically. Clicking Administration -> Databases, I can also see that my two databases (hpdb.db3, hptempdb.db3) are increasing in size and continuous collecting data and under “Register Menu” are fields also populated.

    What am I missing or forgotten to do to see raw/hourly/daily/ data?

    Also, when I attempting to export the database to a log file, I receive the following error message…

    C:xamppphpphp.exe C:xamppusrsbinexport_db -w dBase.log

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in C:xamppusrsbinexport_db on line 141



    You select individual lines by clicking the buttons for raw/hourly/daily/ each click will toggle invisible/normal/bold line.




    ==== mail copy =====

    Thanks Anders. It looks and working much better now.

    Great product…I’ve been looking to log my data for some time now.

    You wouldn’t believe the discussion we have at work about understanding and tuning our värmepump.

    I have friends that not have Thermia värmepump… does your product support other brands?

    Thanks again,


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