Raspberry PI: some questions

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  • #6331


    I decided to change my old IBM laptop to Raspberry PI. So far I have managed to get it online and I am able to see data. And here are some questions regarding using RPI:

    1) How do I import data logs from SD card, which has been inserted in Thermiq all the time? My trusty IBM hasn’t been powered on for long time, so I suspect that there has been csome data collectng to SD card.

    2) How do I upgrade firmware to Thermiq with RPI?


    Anders a

    There no convinien way to import logs from sd-cards. The function never worked reliable and to few have been using the feature.

    Same here, there’s no easy way, move it to a PC instead and follow the guide.


    I’m inte same situatuon as you jarno.makinen. Yesterday installed samba service in the Rasp and made a share to the folder /var/sqlite/, this is where database-files are located.

    I then tested som tools to export the data from several old hpdb-flies with for me important historic data since 2012.

    First tool I tried was phpLiteAdmin which can be found here. Belongs of 1
    one php-file and can support some of the basic tasks with Sqlite. However, import funktion didnt work for me so I decided another litle more comlicated route.

    As a Windows user I prefer access data via shares, Therefor I installad Samba package on the rasp including the Web frontend called ”SWAT”

    Now a bunch of tools are available that can access data Sqlite file ”hpdb” och export and import data.

    However, after finnishing merging the urge amont of data rows into the table ”rawstore”, it’s seens something went wrong and Thermiq can not view it right now. 🙁

    The new hpdb-file is about 15 MB. Is it any maximum numbers for the data it contains?



    Thank you for your answers.
    I have to upgrade firmware next time I decide open the front panel of the pump.

    Maybe I just forget about those logs in the SD then. It would have been nice to see the difference in operation after I added 180l buffer tank in parallel with the pump. Of course i have a vague idea, how it has impacted, but the actual curves would have been nice touch 🙂

    I think that the next thing to do is try to add some analogue measurements to Raspberry Pi. This requires extra add on cards to have the measurements from the heating pipes.

    Anders a

    there’s two steps needed in order to update a database to a new release, the first is done as part of
    which updates the database structure if needed. The second is a script included in newer releases called
    that creates required data in the aggregate databases. Type regenerate_db -hv for some help in how to use it.



    Sorry not to thank for the advice earlier. Have been busy in other things.
    I try to do update database in near future.

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